Product code F00108 Currently out of stock Currently out of stock

Elad MedTeCo

Currently out of stock

  • portability,
  • gas-filled durable electrodes,
  • ergonomics and modern design,
  • simplicity and security in service.

The apparatus was approved at the leading centers of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

RECOMMENDED for use at health care, cosmetology establishments and domiciliary.

THE APPARATUS BRINGS:  analgetic, resolving, vasolodating, antipruritic effect, stimulates accelerated healing of damaged tissues.

 With regular procedures conducted with the ELAD-MedTeKo apparatus, the central nervous system activity improves, vasospasm is charmed away, immunity increases, circulation of blood capillaries, arteries and veins gets better.

Used in: physical therapy, stomatology, cosmetology


Output peak voltage, kWt                          0.8-25

Repetition frequency of pulse packets, Hz      100

Pulse-modulated frequency, kHz                    110

Supply voltage, V*Hz                               220*50

Power consumption, Wt                                  45

Size, mm                                            40x60x190

Weight, kg, not more than                             0.5


Electrodes: needle, fungiform, crested

*Additional set of electrodes: Neck, gingival, rectal, auricular, vaginal.


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