Product code D00330 Currently out of stock Currently out of stock

Almag 01 Electromagnetic Therapy

Currently out of stock

Almag-01 is approved as a tPEMF device, and is listed as a biofeedback device. Due to the nature and distribution of the magnetic field, the Almag-01 can impact a large area at one time. It doesn't require special training.

What is tPEMF? Traveling Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy involves impulses similar to the biological frequencies of your body. As it travels, it can enhance bioactive properties along the organs and body. The dynamics do not allow for adaptation, so the body does not get used to it. This allows the beneficial effects to remain constant. Using tPEMF, an analgesic effect is created due to blockage of nerve impulses, reducing spasms and improving local circulation and tissue respiration. This can lead to improved immune responses.

Almag-01 can cause an increase in intercellular and intracellular exchange due to the interaction of charged particles. The magnetic field increases interactions between redox process chemical elements, helping to improve tissue and cell metabolism and enhancing the ionization process. Studies show the Almag-01 penetrates deeper than other devices, enough to influence internal organs. Frequencies are within 4-16Hz, the most biologically active. Clinical test shows that the above ALMAG-01 therapeutic effects have been reached in 78-90% cases already after 2-3 taken procedures, the remission period in some cases lasts for 1.5 years. Only the application of complex stationary systems can provide the similar effect.

ALMAG-01  This leading-edge Russian-made device is designed for treating a number of diseases:
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar spine
  • Orthopedic traumas
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • Gouty Arthritis
  • Neuralgia
  • Gastritis, pancreatitis, ulceration
  • Bronchial asthma

How it works
  1. ALMAG-01 strengthens the intercellular and intracellular metabolism, restores the electromagnetic parameters of the cells, thus helping to restore impaired body functions. It reduces spasms and discomfort.
  2. ALMAG-01 reduces blood viscosity and unblocks additional capillaries. More oxygen and nutrients are brought to a sick body, and toxins are excreted faster. It disperses edemas and swellings.
  3. ALMAG-01 increases blood circulation by several times. It stimulates body immune system and prevents disease progression. It lowers sensitivity of peripheral nerve receptors. It relieves pain.
  4. ALMAG-01 stimulates inhibitory processes, has a calming, sedative effect. It normalizes the heartbeats, widens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, restores healthy sleeping.

Why to choose ALMAG-01?
  • is manufactured by ELAMED company, which has been working according to European medical standards in Russian market for over 30 years;
  • has been used in direct care, virtually, in all hospitals, health centers and clinics in Russia for 15 years;
  • generates pulsed electromagnetic field, that is the most effective type of the magnetic physiotherapy;
  • is reliable and easy to operate;
  • can be used by all family members.

Technical Features
  • The peak value of magnetic induction on the coil working surface (both flat sides) of the device coil group is 20 ± ) mT.
  • The pulse duration is 1.5-2.5 ms.
  • Magnetic field pulse repetition frequency in each of the coils is 6 Hz.
  • The device works for 6 hours in intermittent operation mode: operation time 22±1 min., break - 10 min.
  • Device is automatically disconnected from network in 22±1 min.
  • Average service life is 7 years.
  • Materials used in the device design assure non-irritating and non-allergic impact according to the requirements of GOST P 50444-92.
  • Contraindications:

    •Inflammatory diseases in the acute phase
    •Bleeding or bleeding liability
    •Severe hypotension
    •Purulent processes before surgery
    •Severe coronary heart disease
    •Early post-infarction period
    •Acute period of cerebral circulation disorder
    •Systemic blood diseases
    •Oncological diseases
    •Diencephalic syndrome
    •Implantable pacemaker in the affected area



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