Product code D00333 Currently out of stock Currently out of stock

MAGOFON-01 - Magneto acoustic device

Currently out of stock


MAGOFON-01 has a triple therapeutic effect guaranteed with pulsed electromagnetic field, gentle vibration massage and acoustic signal.

MAGOFON-01 is used for treating the following diseases:

  • Musculoskeletal system disoders (osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, scapulohumeral periarthrosis, arthritis, bursitis, myositis)
  • Neurological disorders (neuritis, trigeminal neuralgia)
  • ENT-diseases (catarrhal otitis media, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, rhinitis including allergic)
  • Respiratory tract diseases (tracheitis, bronchitis)
  • Dentaldiseases (gingivitis, periodontitis)
  • Post-traumatic conditions (broken bones, internal injuries of joints, soft tissue contusion, hematoma, post-traumatic edema, fiber band and muscles damages)

How it works
1. improves tissue metabolism and activates regeneration processes;
2. significantly improves blood supply of the affected organs, brings oxygen and nutrients to the cells and excretes waste;
3. contributes to drug absorption to the affected tissues and enhances edema dispersion;
4. reduces sensitivity of peripheral nerve receptors, which results to the pain relief;
5. relieves emotional and muscle tension;
6. in cases of bronchitis and tracheitis:
• reduces the intensity of short cough;
• reduces bronchi inflammation, which is the main cause of productive cough;
• reduces begma stickiness, facilitates its removal and the respiratory tract clearance;
• relieves spasms in the case of obstructive bronchitis syndrome;
• allows to reduce drug doses, and, in some cases, go off them completely.
7. in cases of sinusitis:
• relieves maxillary sinuses swelling, which results in releasing them from accumulation;
• eliminates nasal congestion and improves sense of smell;
• reduces tension in the maxillary sinuses and thus eliminates headaches;
• improves blood flow, which favorably affects rehabilitation process.
8. In cases of dental diseases:
• relieves inflammation;
• prevents bleeding gums;
• allows to withhold pain-killers.
9. In cases of muscle injuries, sprains, strains and bruises:
• relieves pain and disperses swelling from the first minutes of use;
• shortens healing time;
• improves performance efficiency.

Why to choose MAGOFON?
  1. treats the disease itself, but not only its symptoms;
  2. facilitates healing both of acute stage and chronic diseases;
  3. has been approved for children from 1 year and older;
  4. shows noticeable positive effect after the first sessions;
  5. is easy- to- use, requires no special medical skills;
  6. due to the wide application spectrum is a heal-all remedy for the whole family.

Technical Features
  1. Peak value of magnetic induction on the device working surface is (30 ± 9) mT.
  2. Magnetic induction maximum value at the distance of 0.5 m from the device working surface does not exceed 0.5 mT.
  3. Acoustic range frequency is (0.02-20) kHz.
  4. Spectral density of the acoustic signal sound pressure at a distance of 300 mm from the device (in the frequency band from 0.02 to 20 kHz) is not more than 1 Pa.
  5. The device is designed for 6 hour operation in intermittent duty mode (operation mode - 20 min., break - 30 min.).
  6. Device body temperature after one operating cycle (operation mode - 20 min., break - 30 min.)does not exceed 410 C.
  7. The exterior surfaces of the device component parts are resistant to chemical disinfection by any kind of solution approved for use in medical practice for plastic.
  8. Average service life is 5 years.
  • Purulent inflammatory diseases in acute and febrile states
  • Blood disorders: systemic blood diseases, bleeding and bleeding liability, liability to thrombosis , blood clots, acute thrombophlebitis
  • Cardiovascular system diseases: severe hypotension, severe coronary heart disease progression, early post-infraction period, the acute phase of cerebrovascular circulation disorders
  • Pregnancy
  • Oncological diseases
  • Thyrotoxicosis
  • Diencephalic syndrome
  • Pacemaker


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