Product code D00376 Currently out of stock Currently out of stock

Breathing triner Samozdrav

Currently out of stock

Reasons to use

• Hypertention
• Hypotention
• Astma
• Head aches Atherosclerosis
• Arrythmia
• And many others
Principle of
Shaper of hypercapnic gaseous mixture in
the glass during breathing exercises with TSS
«Samozdrav» Breathe in/breathe out - gas
mixture/ gas mixture - hypercapnic gas

Clinical test

In order to estimate how breathing exercises influence on human organism a special examination of men and women 40-90 years old, execute breathing exercises with «Samozdrav» trainer was made. Total amount of investigated persons makes up to 10500 persons
• Hypercapnic gaseous mixture was created by breathing through Samozdrav trainer capnicator, including course of everyday 30-minutes breathing with hypercapnic gaseous mixture based on free air with constant content of nitrogen and increasing content of CO2
• Investigation was held on the basis of Scientific-producing enterprise Samozdrav, Ltd
• consulting Department, Samara
• Such parameters as respiratory minute volume,CO2 concentration in inspired air, ECG
parameters were examined during the investigation. Data was handled by program Statistica 10.0 with due regard forT-criterionfor independent samples (р<0,05)

Chronical Hypocapnemy – Systematic Pathogenic Factor / N. A. Agadjanyan, J.N. Mishustin, S.F. Levkin
• This monography gives an analysis of contemporary data about physiological part of CO2 stresslevel in arterial blood as one of the most significant parameter of homeostasis.
• Data about the prevalence of homeostasispersistent breach, resulted in chronicalhypokapniemia, as well as its combination with chronical diseases is given in this book.
• Materials about the phenomenon determining the pathogenicity ofchronical hypokapniemia – specifichypokapniemicalangiospasm are given.
• Mechanisms of this angiospasm are described.
• New approaches in understanding of mechanisms of these processes which can make
such Widespread pathological processes as essential hypertension, ischemia of heart and brain, diabetes mellitus type II, diencephalic disorders, etcchronical, are examined in this book.

Influence of training with hypercapnic gaseous mixture on blood circulation of cerebrum among people with signs of insomnia
The results of the investigation describe that investigated persons got naturally 9% increase of CO2 stressof initial value that provided increase of cerebrum blood supply 12% of the norm (100%).

Influence of training with hypercapnic gaseous mixture on cardiac performance among people with signs of myocardial ischemia
68% of investigated persons got recovery of T wave indicators up to normal that shows decrease of myocardial ischemia signs. Myocardium blood supply and oxygen supply increased 12% of the norm (100%).

Prevention of diseases
Cardiac arrhythmia (Tachycardia)

The main function of “Samozdrav” is the normalisation of the amount of CO2 in the organism, which leads to the decrease of the hypertonia of the blood vessels, in this way eliminating the reason of the arterial hypertension. Arterial hypertension is one of the main causes of arrhythmia, consequently breathing on “Samozdrav” may prevent the dysrhythmia of the heart. In addition, the normalisation of the amount of CO2 in the arterial blood prevents the alkalosis, which is also one of the factors of cardiovascular diseases, specifically arrhythmia. Exercising on “Samozdrav” normalises the breathing, evens it, prevents dyspnea and other types of breathing dysrhythmia, leading to acidosis. The heart innervation is provided by the parasympathetic nervous system, while the breathing is controlled not only by the parasympathetic nervous system. It is possible that the even breathing is capable of calming down the heartbeat.


During the respiratory exercises, CO2 influences the vasomotor centre (which moves the vessels), which normalises vessel lumen and regulates the arterial pressure level. It is realised through the specific receptors of the reticular formation of the brainstem, and through the increase of the concentration of H+, which is taken by the carotid and other chemoreceptors.


The hypertonicity of the smooth muscles of the vessels characterises this illness. One of the reasons for it is the lack of the natural vasolidator of the vessels, carbon dioxide. Exercising on “Samozdrav” leads to the increase of the natural lumen regulator, CO2, and the vessels are normalised, thus the blood pressure is normalised too. Another reason for hypertonicity is the protective mechanism for excessive CO2 excretion. When this particular feature is normalised, the spasm is eliminated.
Coronary artery disease

1. Researches conducted on an isolated heart demonstrate that hypercapnia increases the coronary blood flow, while hypocapnia decreases it.

2. The vast importance of the training is best shown on the example of collateral blood circulation. Regular trainings on “Samozdrav” produces additional branching of the vessels, which improve the nutrition and the blood supply of the heart.

3. Moderate hypercapnia induces the venous blood flow to the heart, increases the systolic volume as a result of the increase of the tonicity of the veins and the skeleton muscles, diffuses the blood flow.